In 2016 I pulled together a list of my extremes around the world. These were the highest, lowest, warmest, coldest etc places I had been to or experienced around the planet. My friends and I had some fun comparing our lists (a shocking number of Irish people have been no further north than Edinburgh).
Six years later, an update seems overdue as more than a few have changed since.
There is one rule to these extremes – doing something it in a airplane doesn’t count. You have to have had feet on the ground (or in the water). My list is below, what does yours look like?

For me:
- Furthest North:
N60° 40′ Gävle Sweden, December 2015.N68° 21′ Abisko, Sweden, August 2020. (about 200km above the Arctic circle 🙂 ) - Furthest South: S34° 21′ Cape of Good Hope, South Africa (barely lower than Santiago Chile), June 2009.
- Furthest West: W122°, 40′ Portland Oregon, USA, July 2001.
- Furthest East: E151° 12′ Sydney, Australia, December 2006.
- Highest point: 4,215m Dead Woman’s Pass Inca Trail, Peru, July 1999.
- Lowest point: 38m below sea level, diving off Kilkee, Ireland. 2001
- Hottest: 47° Dubai, August 2014.
- Coldest:
-16°C Altiplano, Chile, 2001.-17°C Upplands Vasby, Sweden. February 2016.-23°C, Dalarna County Sweden, February 2018. And honorable mention to camping out in -10C in January 2022 😀

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